This project is a quick and simple event planner for calendar applications such as Google Calendar and Microsoft Outlook. The planner contains fields for what one would typically expect from a calendaring application, such as dates, times, description, and priority. This project was more focused upon the process of working as a team rather than the event planner application itself. The team working process is vital, especially since there were no physical meetings due to the quarantine caused by the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.
The name of my team is Team Capers. For this event planner project, Team Capers employed a certain development process. The focus was on progressing the project milestone by milestone, all while resolving issues that come up along the way. In other words, we adapted and implemented the issue driven project management approach. Although we cannot meet physically, we managed to meet virtually at a minimum of twice a week. Our meeting frequency also depended on the requirement of the current milestone and what issues were needed to be resolved. Communication is done through a messaging platform called Slack. Using Slack, meetings and discussions were easily conducted at our own convenience. If necessary, we used another messaging and video platform called Discord to conduct meetings over video.
Work for each milestone was broken down into sections or issues that can be completed in around 72 hours. We brainstormed our intended features ahead of time to clearly visualize what we needed to implement or accomplish. Each of those features were packaged down as an “issue.” This method allowed us to focus on specific tasks at a single time. These tasks were gradually completed as we strived towards the final product. Using a platform called GitHub, we had the capability of updating, pushing, and merging our progress into a single shared online repository. To minimize conflicting merges or problems caused by merging “incompatible” code, each team member did individual work in their own branch before merging to the master branch. Before officially merging branches together, another branch is made to test the compatibility of those branches. This ensured that the code is functional before it is integrated into the final product.
Thus, we successfully used the issue driven project management approach to implement and achieve our final goal of a functioning javaScript calendar event planner.
Here is a short video demonstration. For the source code, visit the github repository.